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I have and always will be a seasonal kind of girl. Many of my favorite kitchen and food memories are often related to the seasons. From weekly summer trips to roadside farmers’ stands with my mom to rolling a gazillion pumpkin rolls in the fall with my Nana – these moments all have seasonal connections. Along with these strong connections with seasonal foods, also comes a strong connection with scents.
Each time the seasons change, I obsessively revamp household scents – from candles, plugins, and hand soaps – right down to my personal perfume. In my opinion, as soon as the calendar flips to September, I am in full on fall mode. Digging through the closet for cardigans and putting away my flip flops until spring.
Not only does it smell all kinds of scrumptious, it’ also highly fragranced, so you get a lot of bang for your buck. Brian came home from work while it was lit and questioned what was baking – when he saw a clean kitchen and me watching an episode of Cupcake Wars – he came to the realization that Salted Caramel Cupcakes were not in his immediate future – just a caramely scented living room.
Do you have favorite fall scent? Let me know, because I’m totally jonesing for more!
This is NOT a sponsored post for Bath and Body Works or Slatkin, I simply love the product and think that you might too!
I also love seasonal scents! They get you in a good mood no matter what. Great idea for gifts as well.
I’ve been searching for scents to fill our home – something strong to cover my lack of cooking skills. So far my favorites are little soy tarts that I put into my plugin-wall warmers and LOVE it. I start the morning with “Blueberry Pancakes” and “Warm Vanilla Sugar”. I have one of each in the warmer. Then by evening after I’m totally starving and craving real old fashioned blueberry pancakes I switch over to the “Spicy Apple”. It’s a nice mix of a cinnamon and apple cider plus it’s strong enough to hid any burnt food smells. LOL
i am a sucker for fall scents when they pertain to food. the leaf and airy smells, not so much. i don’t want my living room to smell like wet leaves. no. thanks. but i DO love the Mulled Cider candles from walmart. i know, not exactly classy but it is the perfect cider scent and you can get 2 big candles and 3 small ones (think bathrooms and kitchen) for $10!! and the smell permeates. i think you should check it out.
I am the same way. I LOVE fall, everything about it. I get this giddy feeling inside me when the leaves start changing, and we get our first cool breeze. It sounds silly but i completely relate to this post. As a matter of fact, I went to BBW on Friday and got a bunch of the 1oz candles to try out to see which ones i want to buy in the big jars! (when they go on sale of course) (:
I love seasonal scents! My all time favorite though it any sort of Christmas tree scent around the holidays! It just transports me to flannel pajamas with Christmas frogs on them.
I love the fall scents too, and I’m definitely going to have to try the Salty Caramel. Slatkin makes a wallflower scent called Creamy Nutmeg that is heavenly. I’m also completely addicted to Scentsy’s Maple Butter, which they had at this time last year, but sadly it isn’t in the new catalog! Sometimes you can find them on Ebay. Needless to say, though, I did hoard quite of a few of them last winter! HOPEFULLY they’ll bring it back as a scent of the month sometime this fall/winter. I also love their Central Park Pralines, Honey Pear Cider, Gingersnap (also discontinued) and Mochadoodle! Better Homes & Gardens are now making the candle bars you can use in the Scentsy burners and other warmers, and they’re only $2.00 each. My faves are Baked Apple Struedel and Spiced Pumpkin Pie!
this looks like something i would love. I love pumpkin roll from scentsy, it is my new favorite
Love Scentsy’s Pumpkin Roll too! (See my post about other good Scentsy scents and also the B H & G ones they carry at Wal-Mart…the Spiced Pumpkin Pie is very similar to Scentsy’s Pumpkin Roll!)
I’m feeling very deprived. I just clicked on the BBW website and the furthest outside of the US they’ll ship to is Canada. Waaaahhhh! I live in Ireland! I’ve seen a few Yankee Candles in shops, with flavours like Kitchen Spice and Warm Spice, but nothing compared to what sounds sooooo amazing, fragrance-wise, to Salty Caramel. I’ve had a look on ebay, but it’s quite expensive, and that’s not even including the shipping. I’ve just gotta find a way to get me some of this autumnal gorgeousness. Help!